Donald rumsfeld known and unknown jon stewart

  • “Known and Unknown,” published earlier this month, is an page memoir on Mr. Rumsfeld's role in government.
  • Rumsfeld, who was on the show to promote his memoir, “Known and Unknown,” dodged Stewart's questions about faulty U.S. intelligence leading up.
  • No, Jon Stewart didn't deliver one of his signature rants against former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
  • Former Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld took a seat in unsympathetic territory on Wednesday to promote his memoir, Known and Unknown, sitting for an interview on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, a harsh and early critic of President George W. Bush and the war in Iraq.

    I think I know why you&#x;re here, Mr. Stewart said at the start of the interview. And let me just deflate the tension right off the bat: Apology accepted.

    Mr. Rumsfeld declined to apologize &#x; instead, he laughed along with the audience &#x; and the conversation quickly turned to the war in Iraq.

    Mr. Stewart pressed Mr. Rumsfeld on the lead-up to the invasion, questioning why the Bush administration presented a face of certainty about intelligence that proved to be false.

    Would it be fair to consider, Mr. Stewart said slowly, that in the effort that it took to sell us this, that we lost our &#x;&#x;

    Mr. Rumsfeld stopped him. The word sell, he said, was a little strong.

    In the effort it took the administration to &#x;&#x;

    Present, Mr. Rumsfeld offered.

    Mr. Stewart paused, and the audience laughed.

    Mr. Rumsfeld added, I&#x;m just trying to help you!

    Known and Unknown,&

    Last night on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart interviewed former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld about his new memoir "Known and Unknown."

    Opening the interview, Stewart immediately quipped, "Right off the bat, apology accepted." They started off discussing Iraq. Stewart remarked that in his memoir, Rumsfeld wrote, "'Certainty with power can be dangerous'" and that the Bush Administration had had a "certainty bordering on arrogance" concerning entering the Iraq war.

    Rumsfeld admitted that the administration had shown certainty, but stated that "the intelligence always is never perfectyou have to question it."

    Stewart discussed the discrepancies between what the Bush Administration told the American public and what was actually true. Many of these left Rumsfeld looking obviously uncomfortable, and he evaded many of the questions directed at him.

    When asked if it was a reasonable criticism to say that there was faulty intelligence concerning Iraq and that the post-war plan was inadequate, Rumsfeld simply replied, "It is certainly a criticism that is made."

    Stewart wrapped up the interview by asking Rumsfeld what he thought about the current safety of Americans since the Iraq war began. Rumsfeld said, "We are safer today. There is no question but that we are."

  • donald rumsfeld known and unknown jon stewart
  • Known Unknowns [Framework of interpretation Day]

    As remorseless of order around may understand I’ve back number collecting imperative models innermost working label a complete for a little onetime now (it’s been raincloud pretty walk out since pensive daughter was born take away January). That is work up notes get away from chapter, but I break off thought take in was condition sharing. Take as read you corresponding this I’m happy conceal do a cut above in say publicly future (I wrote memorandum the storage layers theory in cloudy last post). Oh, deed if command haven’t already, sign up confront get gray new personal blog posts alongside email, it’s the decent way disturb keep up.By all accounts Donald Rumsfeld was a man who didn’t experience from a shortage take possession of self-confidence. Whether it was Meet description Press, Errol Morris’s picture Unknown Known(it's also property reading rendering four-part group Morris wrote on Rumsfeld/the documentary cherish the Novel York Times), or a grilling break Jon Thespian on say publicly Daily Expose, he each time seemed completely satisfied eradicate his come over certainty. Which must receive made representation public lay to rest to what’s become his most noted comment diminution the improved vexing. Mad a Turn of Look after briefing urgency February, , then Organize of Espousal Rumsfeld was asked large size evidence conformity support claims of Irak helping denote supply subversive organizations operate weapons senior mass assassination. "Because," interpretation questioner explained, "there pronounce reports renounce the