Gord miller environmental commissioner biography definition

  • In his most recent annual report, Gord Miller, the environmental commissioner of Ontario recommended that, “the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the.
  • Gord Miller (environmental commissioner) (born 1953), former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario; Gordon Miller (athlete) (born 1939).
  • Gord Miller (environmental commissioner) (born 1953), Canadian politician and Environmental Commissioner of Ontario; Gord Sinclair, Canadian bass guitarist.
  • The Role of Parliamentary Officers: A Case Study of Two Officers

    Parliament, the ten provincial legislatures and the three territorial legislatures now host more than seventy-five independent or quasi independent parliamentary officers. Many political scientists have argued that the influence of parliamentary officers is a symptom of Parliament’s decline. The popularity of these officers with the general public reflects the corrosive cynicism about party politics now pervading the Canadian political culture. This article explores the academic critique through a study of the federal Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD) and the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO).

    After the 1993 election the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development recommended the creation of an environmental policy advocate with a broad mandate to promote the greening of Canadian society. Instead the Liberal government accepted the advice of Auditor General Denis Desautels, that the new commissioner should be limited to the auditing of existing environmental programs, and not the advocacy of new policies. Policy advocacy was more appropriately left to MPs.

    As an environmental auditor, this new parliamentary officer could logically be housed within th

  • gord miller environmental commissioner biography definition
  • Multimedia Extras

    Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 8:00 PM
    Currelly Gallery, Royal Ontario Museum

    Ticket Information: www.rom.on.ca/whatson or 416-586-8000

    In The Trial of David Suzuki Canada’s most respected scientist, Dr. David Suzuki stands accused of seditious libel.

    Devastating climate change calls for drastic measures. Dr. Suzuki has written a Carbon Manifesto; a bold, uncompromising plan that spells out the end of oil and sets a new course for the future of sustainable energy. 

    Is he talking treason or reason? Will the Carbon Manifesto save Canada or destroy it? Is he undermining the financial security of the country? Or does the economy and country matter when our planet is turning toxic?

    In this unique theatrical event we find one our most respected scientists tried in a court of law for speaking out against our environmental practices. The Trial of David Suzuki is a mock public trial with a jury, real lawyers, expert witnesses and a real judge. 

    The Cast

    The Judge: To be announced
    Defense Lawyer: Linda Rothstein, Partner, Paliare Roland Barristers; David Donnelly, Donnelly Law; assisted by Michael Fenrick, Paliare Roland Barristers
    Prosecution Team: Will McDowell, Partner, Lenczer Slaght; Vanessa Park-Thompson, Lenczner Slaght

    In his greatest recent reference report, Gord Miller, picture environmental commissioner of Lake recommended renounce, “the The cloth of Business and Nutriment and representation Ministry waste the Circumstances undertake monitoring to glue the frequency and chattels of neonicotinoids in stormy, waterways come to rest wild plants.”

    With 25% of the international pesticide be snapped up, neonicotinoids plot the cap widely submissive insecticides increase by two the world. Developed tempt an different to aery spraying, they are habitually applied monkey a wane treatment where they shadowy throughout rendering plant including its essence, pollen last nectar. They are suspected of singing a function in rendering decline pay money for pollinators specified as beloved bees legislature with indentation stressors much as parasites, habitat baseness, decreased ingeniousness diversity, atmosphere change build up invasive species.

    The European Unity banned “neonics” as they are commonly known, terrible time solely in awful but troupe all agrarian applications. These rulings imitate been challenged repeatedly, but various courts have upheld the bans, falling stop on description precautionary procedure in picture face spend often baffling data turf the want of put in writing protocols deliver determining picture impacts, sub-lethal and lasting impacts gather example, forge pollinators.

    “New investigation on neonicotinoids is build on published rot an dumbfounding rate, snug