Marion clignet biography

  • Marion Clignet (born 21 February 1964) is a.
  • Marion Clignet is a French former track cyclist.
  • Biography.

    Journey to Make the Best Cycling Kits for Women.


    With 30 Years of Cycling Experience and Dedication,
    Former World Champion and Olympic Medalist Marion Clignet,
    Technological Co-founder of Jelenew Strives to Create Cycling Apparel Truly Made for Women


    With 30 Years of Cycling Experience and Dedication,
    Former World Champion and Olympic Medalist Marion Clignet,
    Technological Co-founder of Jelenew Strives to Create Cycling Apparel Truly Made for Women



    Since 1990, she has placed first in six world championship and won two silver medals at the Olympics representing France. She also broke the world record at the time in 1996 and won the French national championship many times including individual pursuit and road races.

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    After retiring from competitive cycling, she continued to invest in cycling education and the rights of female cyclists, dedicated to advancing women's cycling. Her charity ride “La Marion Clignet” has brought together cyclists of all level to raise fund and awareness for children affected with epilepsy.

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    Throughout her 30-year cycling career, she overcame the hardships of training and the unfai

    Clignet, Marion (1964–)

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    • marion clignet biography
    • Marion Clignet

      National teams
      • 1987:  Soviet Union(Kibardina, Jakovleva, Poliakova, Pugovichnikova)
      • 1988:  Italy(Bandini, Bonanomi, Canins, Galli)
      • 1989:  Soviet Union(Kibardina, Poliakova, Zilporytė, Melyokhina)
      • 1990:  Netherlands(Van Moorsel, Knol, Westland, Schop)
      • 1991:  France(Clignet, Gendron, Odin, Marsal)
      • 1992:  United States(Stephenson, Golay, Bolland, Bankaitis-Davis)
      • 1993:  Russia(Sokolova, Bubnenkova, Polkhanova, Koliaseva)
      • 1994:  Russia(Sokolova, Bubnenkova, Polkhanova, Koliaseva)
      Trade teams
      • 2012: Unit Specialized–lululemon(Becker, Neben, Stevens, Teutenberg, Van Dijk, Worrack)
      • 2013: Specialized–lululemon(Brennauer, Colclough, Little, Stevens, Precursor Dijk, Worrack)
      • 2014: Specialized–lululemon(Blaak, Brennauer, Canuel, Mignonne, Stevens, Worrack)
      • 2015: Velocio–SRAM(Amialiusik, Brennauer, Canuel, Guarischi, Kröger, Worrack)
      • 2016: Boels–Dolmans(Blaak, Canuel, Deignan, Majerus, Stevens, Front Dijk)
      • 2017: Gang Sunweb(Brand, Kirchmann, Mackaij, Muralist, Stultiens, Advance guard Dijk)
      • 2018: Canyon–SRAM(Amialiusik, A. Barnes, H. Barnes, Cecchini, Analyst, Worrack)