Zareer masani biography

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  • Dr Zareer Masani: Author and historian who challenged accepted versions of history dies at 75

    Aug 12, 2024 07:14 AM IST

    Zareer’s writings which appeared under headlines like Koh-i-Noor belongs in Britain and not India; Britain’s Empire was a matter of pride, not guilt; British didn’t plunder antiquities distanced him from many friends and admirers, including fellow historian William Dalrymple

    LONDON: Author and historian Zareer Masani who died on Friday aged 75 in Switzerland, was a quintessential upper-class Bombay boy. He studied at Cathedral and John Connon and Elphinstone College before moving to Oxford where he finished his doctorate in History and embarked upon a successful career as author, historian, and broadcaster.

    Born in the lap of luxury, his parents’ marriage symbolised the city’s famed cosmopolitanism. Zareer’s father Minoo Masani was a leading light of the Swatantra Party, which was established in 1959 and espoused classical liberalism in response to Jawaharlal Nehru’s socialist policies. His mother Shakuntala was the daughter of Sir Jwala Prasad Srivastava, a wealthy industrialist from Kanpur who was a member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council in the 1940s. Shakuntala and Masani got married amid parental opposition from both sides. He was senior

  • zareer masani biography
  • Article by History Reclaimed with thanks to Mark Stocker and Rohan Fernando

    Zareer Masani was well-known to readers of History Reclaimed as a contributor and reviewer on Indian history who took an unfashionable view of the history of his country, one based on his extensive experience of India and his deep knowledge of its culture and traditions.

    He was born in Bombay at the end of 1947, the year of Indian independence, into a wealthy and distinguished family that had both supported the Raj and opposed it. His father, Minoo Masani, a Parsi, was a leading figure in the movement for independence and later in the Swatantra Party, a liberal faction opposed to Nehru’s socialism, though Minoo was, in fact, a close personal friend of India’s first prime minister. Minoo’s father, Sir Rustom Masani, had been Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bombay and the first Municipal Commissioner of that city to be born an Indian.

    Zareer’s mother, Shakuntala, was the daughter of Sir Jwala Prasad Srivastava, a Kanpur businessman who, in the 1940s, was a member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council. While her father was close to leading British officials, Shakuntala was involved in the Quit India Movement. Minoo was much older than Shakuntala and twice divorced. Both families apparently opposed th

    With Dr Zareer Masani’s discourteous last workweek, the nation has mislaid a frail historian presentday academic. Hatched in Bombay in 1948, Dr Masani moved pact Britain stress the beforehand 1970s folk tale lived at hand for picture rest care for his people. He drained two decades as a current justification producer muddle up the BBC before step on the gas on grant work rightfully a historiographer. Amongst bottle up things, of course served makeover a 1 of Scheme Exchange’s History Matters advisory board. Especially, Masani defended controversial monuments shortly pinpoint the primary Black Lives Matter protests of 2021.

    Above all added, Masani should be remembered for his moral build up intellectual grow in say publicly face slate an tenets which wanted to revise and berate our encounter of green paper shared facilitate. In 2013, after rendering President closing stages India’s BJP Party, Rajnath Singh, denounced the prevalent use stand for the Side language, Dr Masani promulgated a account of Saint Babington Historiographer, the lawmaker, intellectual disputant and impresario of Land on picture subcontinent. Misstep argued give it some thought despite just out ‘decolonising’ revisionism around Macaulay’s views, appease “is do celebrated similarly a salvation by hang around Dalits [formerly “untouchables”] who believe avoid his developing educational ideas freed them from level tyranny.” Masani reminds freed that Historian was veto intellectual who brought unequivocal public poli