Biography of annie besant pdf file download
Biography of Annie Besant
Matthew Kizior 12/07/ 19th Century Britain Annie Besant’s Spiritual Quest: A Response to the Emerging World The late Victorian era posed new and different challenges that people were not quite expecting. The discoveries and philosophies that were coming to prominence looked like they had the ability to upend social orders and shake up the long held beliefs of millions of British citizens. The discoveries of science were revealing a world that people were less and less familiar with. Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection had made people question long held religious views and modes of thought that saw the origin of the world as divine rather than based on natural laws that people could not control. These not only led people to question how they saw nature, but how they viewed God and what they thought about this divine entity. Some believed that the progress of science had adequately shown that there was no god, and it made others switch to an ardently questioning skepticism. The theories and arguments of Marxism were gaining ground among workers and an educated middle class, both of whom started fighting harder and harder for the rights they saw as being taken from them by the capitalists. The ideologies and questions of the la
Annie Besant - A Biography
Book Source:Digital Library of India Item
: Taylor, Anne
ioned: TZ
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lpublicationdate: /07/14
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ngcentre: North Eastern States Libraries
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lrepublisher: Digital Library Of India
her: Oxford University Press, New York
: In Public Domain
y: Birchandra State Central Library, Tripura
fication: Biography
ds: Alternative Childhood
ds: Cry For Light
ds: Flight
ds: Life Enhancing Checks
ds: New Model Leader
: Annie Besant - A Biography
: Print - Paper
: Book